
Panorama of town


Characteristics of town

Characteristics of Nova Bana and its surroundings – the specified territory and the microregion

Nova Bana – a former free royal town and mining town – lies in the basin between the Pohronsky Inovec and Stiavnické vrchy (Stiavnica Mountains) chains, which are separated by the River Hron. A unique quality of the Nova Bana peaks is their segmentation. Interesting geomorphological formations, natural reservations and landmarks and rare protected plants and animals are all stopping points on the Vojsin Nature Trail, for example, the Starohutiansky vodopad (Waterfall of Stara Huta), Bujakov vrch (peak) and the Jasekova skala (rock).
The territory of the town is sizable, as it includes a number of hamlets whose origin is linked to the beginning of the glass-making, charcoal-mining and woodcutting trades, as well as a great number of relatively large-scale town lands. A typical crofter‘s settlement creates suitable conditions for visitors to relax.

The first written mention of Nova Bana dates from the year 1337, and it had the rights and status of a free royal town and a mining town from 1345. Aside from the extraction of gold and silver the town was also know as a maker of millstones, which were exported to all of Europe. Nova Bana was recorded into European history thanks to the first use of steam as a driving force on the continent. In 1722 English engineer Isaac Potter built the first atmospheric fire-powered machine, which served for the pumping of ground water out of the mines. 
The dominant historical feature of the town is the originally Gothic, later Baroque, Town Hall building with a hall decorated with portraits of Hungarian nobles and dignitaries. The history of Nova Bana and its surroundings is documented by Pohronske muzeum (Hron Regional Museum), which is at present housed in the old Town Hall building. Also colourful is the offering of cultural-social events organised throughout the year in the form of films, theatre and cultural festivals, performances by folk singing and amateur musical groups and the exhibits of folk crafts and artisans at the now traditional Nova Bana market.

Mestský úrad Nová Baňa

Námestie slobody 1
968 01 Nová Baňa

+421 45 6782 800